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Get Involved

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Community Outreach is Important to Us

  • Downtown Mission meals:   Emmanuel United Church sponsors and prepares a meal for guests at the Downtown Mission. Currently, we are doing this by preparing a sandwich lunch for 100 people and sending them to the DTM.

  • We have a monthly outreach project, assisting local community organizations.

  • Community events:  Emmanuel participates in community events such as Open Streets, Pride parade etc.

Faith Exploration is Important to Us

  • We have small group bible study as well as our weekly worship service.  

  • We have an active Sunday School program for youth.

Prayer Group
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  • Emmanuel Choir: Under the direction of Nicholas Morvay, our choir meets weekly and prepares music for the weekly service.  Our choir loves to sing and is involved in a range of types of music.  We welcome new members.

  • Music Events: We host music events when many community singers join our choir for special music.  We especially love the Lessons and Carols concert/service, which features 50 local singer/musicans. 

  • If you love to sing talk to our music director, Nick Morvay!

Thanks to Chris Fudge for this recording of our concert which we held at both Church of the Ascension and Emmanuel United in December 2024.

We are also planning a beautiful Easter Cantata with a larger choir for Palm Sunday- April 1, during our regular worship service at 10:30 a.m.

Supporting Diverse Ages and Interests is Important to Us

  • We have an active Sunday School for young children and older youth


  • Seniors Group- The Seniors group has been meeting at Emmanuel for over 25 years.  A group comes together at the church (or in a local park) weekly for fellowship, cards, and lunch. The group is currently meeting Thursday afternoons.  Neighbours and friends are welcome.

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Times of Fellowship, Sharing a Meal and Enjoying Time Together is Important to Us

  • “Happy Cookers”- making pies and other delicious food for fundraising: This group meets periodically and prepares food that is sold.  Lots of laughs and good fun.

  • Crafts- We regularly have craft groups that meet to develop and make projects and items for the church bazaars.

  • Book Club: There is an active book club who read and share their views and learnings together.

  • Meals: We love to break bread together at Emmanuel!  We have special event dinners such as our Harvest Dinner, a Christmas Family Breakfast, and many other opportunities to share a meal, a laugh and a time of fellowship.

Special Activities:

We host activities such as an annual Christmas Bazaar; a Harvest Dinner, a New to You “Rummage” sale,  book sales etc.

Garage Sale Box
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